Examples -------- φ-evo provides a series of examples of project and already run seeds. Examples of projects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The example of projects are stored in the `Example `__ directory of the *phievo* package: The function ``download_example`` allows to download one of the following examples: - adaptation [1]_ - somite [2]_ - hox [3]_ - hox\_pareto - `lac\_operon `__ - immune [4]_ - minimal\_project .. code:: python import phievo phievo.download_example("adaptation") This command creates a project directory *example\_adaptation* at your current path. The project contains all the configuration files required to start an evolution. Examples of seeds ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Because some simulation can take some time to run, we provide the result seeds we used to generate the figure of the paper: - seed\_adaptation - seed\_adaptation\_pruning - seed\_somite - seed\_somite\_pruning - seed\_lacOperon - seed\_lacOperon\_pruning - seed\_hox\_pareto\_light To download the result of a simulation on your computer, you can use phievo: .. code:: python import phievo phievo.download_example("seed_adaptation") The project downloaded can be analysed using the *Analyse Run.ipynb* notebook. Hox pareto ~~~~~~~~~~ The complete simulation for the Hox Genes takes a lot of space, only a portion of the original results is accessible through phievo. You can manually download the complete simulation `here `__. References ~~~~~~~~~~ .. [1] `François P, Siggia ED. A case study of evolutionary computation of biochemical adaptation. Physical Biology. 2008;5(2):26009. `__ .. [2] `François P, Hakim V, Siggia ED. Deriving structure from evolution: metazoan segmentation. Molecular Systems Biology. 2007 Dec;3:9. `__ .. [3] `François P, Siggia ED. Predicting embryonic patterning using mutual entropy fitness and in silico evolution. Development (Cambridge, England). 2010;137(14):2385–2395. `__ .. [4] `Lalanne JB, François P. Principles of adaptive sorting revealed by in silico evolution. Physical Review Letters. 2013 May;110(21):218102. `__