Create a new project

This tutorial lists a series examples on how to perform common tasks with φ-evo.

Build a network manually

Before even starting a simulation, let us build a network manually in order to get familiar with the way they are encoded in the program. Most of the code is written in python [1], let us call our first file is provided in the example directory.

# Import libraries
from phievo.Networks import mutation
import random

# Create a random generator and a network
seed = 20160225
g = random.Random(seed) # This define a new random number generator
L = mutation.Mutable_Network(g) # Create an empty network

We have created a first network, L, that can be used as a container for the species and insteractions. For now L is still empty, we can add a new species as follows

parameters=[['Degradable',0.5]] ## The species is degradable with a rate 0.5
parameters.append(['Input',0]) ## The species serves as an input referenced by the index 0 in the evolution algorithm.
parameters.append(['Complexable']) ## The species can be involved in a complex
parameters.append(['Kinase']) ## The specise can phosphorylate another species.
parameters.append(['TF',1]) ## 1 for activator 0 for repressor

## Create a species and add it to the network
## S1 is a reference to access quickly to the newly created species latter in the code
S1 = L.new_Species(parameters)

All the characteristics we want to associate with the species are listed followed by their parameters. The list is then sent to the new_Species function to create the species. This methods is used when adding a external species (such as an input) that is not produced by the network itself.

In most cases a species comes with its transciptional machinery (Species + CorePromoter + TModule). The species and its related componant are added via the new_gene function.

Similarly a PPI(protein-protein interaction) is added with the complexation reaction and a phosphorylated species is added with the phosphorylation interaction.

Adding these functions to a code would look like this

TM0,prom0,S0 = L.new_gene(0.5,5,parameters)

TM1,prom1,S1 = L.new_gene(0.5,5,parameters)

TM2,prom2,S2 = L.new_gene(0.5,5,parameters)

TM3,prom3,S3 = L.new_gene(0.5,5,parameters)

## Add complexation between S0 and S1.
ppi,S4 = L.new_PPI(S0 , S1 , 2.0 , 1.0 , parameters)

## Add a phosphorylation of S2 by S4
S5,phospho = L.new_Phosphorylation(S4,S2,2.0,0.5,1.0,3)
S5.change_type("TF",[1]) # Note this is already the default value for a phosphorilated species

## Regulate the production of S1 by S3 and S5
tfhill1 = L.new_TFHill( S3, 1, 0.5, TM1,activity=1)
tfhill2 = L.new_TFHill( S5, 1, 0.5, TM1,activity=1)

To display the layout of the former network, the program provides draw function :


Run a simulation

A φ-evo project is stored in a directory named as the project.

mkdir lac_operon

It contains all the configuration files of the project

  • (name must start with “init”): Contains the initialization parameters, the path to the C files and optionally an inial network. If the former is not described in the initialyzation file, it will be generated randomly.
  • a fitness C file code used to compute the fitness. After an integration, the dynamics is stored in an array history[SPECIES][TIME][CELL]. You need to create a custom set function that analyse this array. In the end, the function treatment_fitness should print the fitness of the network.
  • An init history file that contains the code that sets history[SPECIES][t=0][CELL] wrapped in a function called init_history.
  • An init input file creates an input function. The input function is called at every time step to modify the history if necessary.

This file stores the informations about the evolution such as the ranges of variation for the parameters, the mutation rates, the paths to the C files, or the algorithm parameters.

The dictionary dictionary_ranges sets the range of values a parameter can take. If only one value Max is given, then the the range is [0,Max]. To specify the the minimal value for a parameter, you have to provide an array [Min,Max]

## The hill coefficient of a TFhill can varry between 1 and 5.
dictionary_ranges['TFHill.hill']= [1., 5.0]
## The rate of a TModule can varry between 0 and 2.
dictionary_ranges['TModule.rate']= 2

The dictionary cfile contains the path of the C files

cfile['fitness'] = fitness.c
cfile['init_history'] = init_history.c
cfile["inputc] = input.c

The dictionary dictionary_mutation contains the rates at which a mutation in the network appears. Note that the alorithm gathers the rates provided and normalizes them in order to have an average of one mutation per new generation during the evolution.

## Rate of appearance of the new transcription factor

The prmt dictionary contains the parameters related to the functioning of the program and the algorithm.

## Number of integration step in the Euler integrator
prmt['nstep'] =3000
## time step during the integration
prmt['dt'] = 0.05
## Setting prmt['restart']['activated'] to False allows to start a fresh simulation
prmt['restart'] = {
  "activated": False,
  "freq": 50 # Generation frequency for saving the complete population
## Define the compiler (gcc by default)
prmt["compiler"] = "g++"

prmt['langevin_noise'] = 0 # Intensity of the langevin noise for stochastic simulation
prmt['multipro_level'] = 1 # Use multiprocess if one 1. If 0, singlethread.

You may also specify the type of output you want and to prevent deleting species with a specific tag:


We can choose an intial network to start the simulation with. This is done through the init_network function. The construction of the initial network follows the steps presented in Build a network manually.


This file contains two required C functions fitness and treatment_fitness. The first function function computes the fitness each individual trials. Once all the trials have been analysed by fitness, the treatment_fitness function combines the different fitnesses (ex: taking an average, sum, etc.) and prints the summary fitness to the shell. The former fitness is read by the python algorithm and used to classify the networks among the other networks of the population.

You may add more analysis functions and to redefine fitness and treatment_fitness as long as it prints the network’s fitness and has the following prototype:

static double result[NTRIES];

void fitness( double history[][NSTEP][NCELLTOT], int trackout[],int trial)
        result[trial] = 0;

void treatment_fitness(double history[NGENE][NSTEP][NCELLTOT], int trackout[])
            total_fitness += result[trial];

The trackout lists the indexes of the outputs in the networks. You can also decide to use the global list trackin which contains the indexes of the ouputs.


Before every integration, the algorithm reads the array history[NGENE][0][NCELLTOT] to set the initial conditions of the run. You can use the init_history.c file to edit the first time step, this way it will be used as a initial condition.

Note that you can be more specific by using the two lists trackin and trackout that contain the indexes for the inputs and outputs respectively.

void init_history()  {
 int ncell,n_gene;
   for (ncell=0;ncell<NCELLTOT;ncell++){
     for (n_gene=0;n_gene<SIZE;n_gene++){


Sometime it is necessary to add artificial inputs during an integration. This is done via the input function. The input function is called at every time step and for every cell before computing the species derivatives. Since the derivatives for the species at time t are computed based on the values history[NGENE][t][NCELLTOT], you can use input to modify the history array.

void inputs(int time,int cell,int trial){

To get more precise informations, we recommand you to have to look at how Examples/lac_operon/ project is built.

Launching a run

The program is launched with the script:

python -m lac_operon/

The script loads the parameters and launches the run. should be placed in the same project directory as the project directory:

 --- (Analyse Run.ipynb)
 --- example_project/
               --- fitness.c
               --- init_history.c
               --- input.c

Note: is not installed with phievo and must be downloaded manually from here or by running the command phievo.download_tools() in a python shell.

To restart a new run, one must provide the # of the run (or seed index). By default, the run number is 0. To prevent errasing a run by mistake, the code will not start if you do not provide a new run number in the initialization file. You can also tell the program explicitly to clear the Seeds with the “-c” or “–clear” option.

python -cm lac_operon/

Restart an evolution

Every k generations, the algorithm saves a complete generation in a file called Restart_file in the Seed’s directory. If interrupted, you can use this Restart_file to restart from a backup generation. You can set the restart generation in the initialization file:

prmt['restart'] = {
  "activated": True, ## Activate restart
  "seed": 0, ## Index of the restart seed
  "kgeneration": 50, # Generation where to restart the algorithm
  "same_seed": True,
  "freq": 50 # Keep the same saving frequency

When the seed and the generation is not set or None, φ-evo will uses the last backup-ed generation in the seed with highest index.

Pareto evolution

To start a pareto(multi-objectives) optimization with φ-evo, extra paremeters need to be defined in the initialization file:

prmt['pareto']=True ## Activates pareto evolution
prmt['npareto_functions']=2 ## Number of fitness components
prmt['rshare']=0 ## Radius under which networks are penalysed for being too
                 ## close on the pareto front
[1]The front interface is coded in python (version >3.5). But for efficiency reason, the core integration is coded in C.